Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Fur Do's and Fur Don'ts

In the realm of fashion, hair is a key factor in looking tip top. In the cat world, to be on top of the fashion purramid means having the best fur do around. The next time you take your precious kitty to the groomers or attempt to style it yourself, know what is a fur do and a fur don’t. Below I have selected some examples of some cats looking ‘fresh to death’ and others not so much. 

Cat #1
Fur Don't

Here we see an example of a fur don’t. This precious baby was wronged. Although Yoda might be a favorite character in Star Wars, in the cat world this a way to be at the bottom of the totem pole. This is a CATastrophe. The force is not with you on this one. 

Cat #2
Fur Do

To stay king of the jungle, it is important to have the sleekest hair around. As you can see here with these stylish gentlemen, their mane is working for them.  The purrrfect comb over look is almost impawsible to pull off, but these handsome cats do with no purroblem.

Cat #3

Fur Do 

This is a purrrfect replication of the colonial times. If you are going for that vintage look, this is the purrfect look for you. How a-mew-zing, but if the fur style fits work it girl. 

Cat #4
Fur Don't

I’m not feline your hair. You look like Albert Einstein’s doppelganger. Someone used a little bit too much product in her hair when attempting the “blow out” look. Nefur do this again. Tame those wild hairs with a little sleek and shine to give that Fabio look. 

I will leave you with a piece of advice, sometimes less is more. When you think about getting a blowout look maybe a simple brushing is more appealing. Help your kitty get voted ‘Best fur Do’ in his/her clowder. Do not let him/her look like a Wookie.

Too Much                                                                             Purrrfect Amount      

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Why YOU should you own a cat?

Because they are purrrfect. Cats are more than funny videos and cute pictures to look at. With each of the following oh-so-convincing reasons to own a fur-ball below, every kitty earns their place on their own little throne. Although the majority of my time I am constantly snapping pictures and videos of Luna. Here are the top three reason to own yourself a little ball of joy. 

Reason Number One:

      First and foremost, cats are hunters. They hunt all types of the creepy crawly creature, insects and bugs, but also larger rodents as well. (They also are keen hunters for lasers and shadows.) So if you have a deathly fear of spiders like I do, a cat is the purr-fect edition. Before I got my cat, if I saw a spider I could not even kill it. Now I am living the spider free life thanks to my Luna Bear. 

Reason Number 2:

     Cats are solo dolos. You might be thinking, “but I want an animal that will run up and cuddle me and greet me at the door!” They do that too! Unlike children, kitties come pre potty trained! Show them the litter box, and they will forever see the yellow brick road. I-N-D-E-P-E-N-T do you know what I mean? She got her own box, she got her own bowl. Rappers Webbie and Lil Boosie know all about those ‘kool kats’.  So all that excuses of being gone too much or too lazy are out the window.

Reason Number 3:
           Cats are known to reduce anxiety as well as stress. As a college student nearing the end of my semester, my work load is becoming increasingly more demanding. Within the next few weeks of school, students will be paw to paw with a horrific monster known as finals. After getting my little fur ball of joy, I notice a change in my demeanor whenever the end of the semester neared. Cats calm anxiety that some people do not even realize are present. “When you spend time with a cat, your production of serotonin, a chemical that boosts feelings of well-being, goes up, and your cortisol levels go down” (Purina). Next time your finals roll around try making your mood more pawsitive with a little kitty time, they’re the purr-fect playmates. Check out this adorable video to see it in action.  

Keep in mind all animals are fur-ever pets. Animals need your love and attention. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Fleek or Flop

Let’s face it, I love cats; you love cats; we all love cats. Here I cover any and all topic about cats. Who doesn’t love a cat that is dressed up in cute sweater or other outfits? No one, that’s who. This week I bring you, “Fleek or Foul.” 

Fleek: Stylish
Flop: Not stylish 

Is your cat steezalicious, or do you need a helping hand in dressing your kitty? I am here to help!

Cat #1

This purr-incess is rocking this sweater better than Mr. Rodgers! Here we see a nice combination of spring colors. The pink bow really brings out the pink ears. It is the purrr-fect tiny sweater for the purrr-fect tiny kitten.

You earned solid 8.

Cat #2

Honey this outfit is a no, no. Who gave this owner the right to dress this poor cat? The neckline and sleeves in this are all wrong for this baby’s body shape. Don’t even get me started on this bonnet head wear. Making this cat look like she belongs on Little House on the Prairie. You need take your sweater back to the 1800’s where it belongs. You have cat to be kitten me.

You get a 4

Cat #3

FLEEK  “Pounce on my level.”

This is one ‘kool kat.’ Featured in Vogue Magazine, you can snag these Louis Vuitton glasses for a cheap $1,200.  Don’t forget to pair it with a limited D&G sweatshirt to keep your precious baby warm. Together these items will score you the coolest cat in town.

For being so top collar, you get a 7.5

Cat #4

This is paw-sibly the cutest cat couple I have ever seen. Here we take note in the elegant lace and bead work in the bride’s outfit. Theses kitties are purrr-ecious. The soon-to-be-husband is rocking a stylish bow tie, complimented with a top hat. Those glasses make that outfit absolutely claw-some. My hat is off to you sir.

Together you have scored an 8.8


Cat #5

Let us paws for a moment of silence for how cute this sweater is. Here we see an owner who knows how to bring in the Christmas spirit with a sweater. With each high pitched squeak of a meow brings Christmas cheer. This cat is just too cute for words.

 Bright blues eyes contrasting the deep maroon in this sweater gives this little one an 8.

Cat #6

Some cat outfits can be wiggidy wiggidy wack. This one is not. Someone has gone above and beyong in this fashion statement. Fresh to death one could say. The nice use of patches gives this jacket the extra kick it needed. Complimented with a DJ board, this cat is ready to rock.

We finish up with the top scorer with a 9.2!

Let’s be honest, all cats are cute. Even those who may have received the most unfortante of outfits. It is not the outifit that makes the cat; it is the cat that makes the outfit. Do you think these cats got a fair score? Do you have any cats in sweaters pictures you want to share? Comment below and share your love of cats!

To find more picture of lovely kitties visit: